I did this drawing for Trudie’s son Joe and his mate El Boi, to publicise their 'Isolation Station' internet DJ sets they are doing to relieve the boredom during the Corona virus lockdown.
It was nice to go for a walk over Fairlop today with a little picnic...this was in the days of mere Social Distancing, before the full Corona virus 'lockdown' started - happy days!
Just as the 2020 Corona Virus pandemic was starting, Siv and I travelled to Finnsnes in North Norway for Siw's 60th Birthday Party. Travelling there was fine, and we arrived Thursday to stay with Ket and Sigbjorn. On Friday we headed to Finnsnes Gaard for a dinner where most of the others were staying.
On Saturday evening we all headed out to the Jordhuset (Earth House), built into the hillside in Senja, for a very nice dinner...even if we were spacing to allow for the Corona Virus.
On Sunday we realised travel restrictions for Monday were starting to bite, so we booked up a Ryanair flight as an insurance...which in the end we used, as SAS cancelled our flight home on Monday! Quite an eventful few days. A few picture are below, the rest are here:
This is where you can catch up with all the things we get up to. Vimeo videos have to be password protected to allow embedding, the password is vimeo :-)