Saturday, July 30, 2016

Dinner at Il Chef

We went out on the Saturday night with Eva and Ole to the local Italian restaurant Il Chef....a fun evening, with a dramatic sunset from the restaurant window.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Holiday to Elnesvågen and Oslo

We've had a couple of weeks in Norway on holiday visiting family and friends. The first week and a bit were spent in Elnesvågen with Siv's Mum and Brother. A lot of photos were taken during the holiday, a selection are below, but all of them are here:

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Saturday over Valentine's Park

The continuing good weather meant we were able to head over Valentine's Park again, and see some of the wildlife squirrel was feeling the heat and was laying flat out on the tarmac to try and cool down.

Saturday over Valentine's Park

The continuing good weather meant we were able to head over Valentine's Park again, and see some of the wildlife squirrel was feeling the heat and was laying flat out on the tarmac to try and cool down.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

A bit of wildlife in the garden

The better weather seems to have brought out a bit of wildlife again, and we've had regular visits from the squirrels and the baby robin in the garden.

A bit of wildlife in the garden

The better weather seems to have brought out a bit of wildlife again, and we've had regular visits from the squirrels and the baby robin in the garden.