As it was a sunny day for the first time in ages, I took a walk at lunchtime from the office to The Tate Modern and back. A link to the photos is below.
As it was a bright day on Saturday, we decided to make the most of it by going for a walk up to Fairlop Waters to enjoy the countryside before the bad weather set in.
Making the most of the good Sunday weather (after a very dreary Saturday), we went up to Fairlop Water for a long walk. We went past the memorial for the old WW2 airfield, and as it was remembrance Sunday we went to see the poppies laid at the memorial and noticed that one is presented by the Norwegian Embassy in memory of Jens Herman Gran which was nice to see. We had a coffee outside the Cafe at the Activity Centre before heading back and continuing our walk down through Seven King's Park.
We headed from Sarasota to Philadelphia to visit Liz, Rick and the family. We had a great weekend with them all, on the Saturday there was a big party where everybody got together. On Sunday evening we went to The Victor Cafe where opera students are the waiters - Very different! We then got an Uber cab home with a taxi driver who had studied economics in Oslo!
On Monday before heading home we visited Longwood Gardens to enjoys the flowers and Autumn colours.
Again, a lot of photos were taken, just a selection are below, the rest are here:
We're just back from a holiday in Sarasota and Philadelphia. We spent the first 8 days in Sarasota to spend some time on the beach. The weather was excellent, with some warm sunny days. We visited some of our usual haunts, The Waffle House, The City Pier on Anna Marie Island, as well as new ones like Ginny and Jane E's Cafe.
This is where you can catch up with all the things we get up to. Vimeo videos have to be password protected to allow embedding, the password is vimeo :-)